[FBI] Procedures and Rank Structure


Information Sheet

All information contained within this document is property of the FBI.

Basic Procedures

The Basic Procedure is a collection of rules that you will have to abide by while serving the Federal Bureau of Investigation. Failure to follow these rules will lead to disciplinary action and your potential termination from the Federal Bureau of Investigation. Any leaking of such documents will result in your immediate termination, followed by a blacklist.

  • Follow orders given from superiors without hesitation
  • When you are in-game and on the team, the uniform must be worn at all times unless your superior commands otherwise
  • You must always compose yourself in a mature and professional manner, never let your emotions guide your actions
  • You are to follow ROBLOX’s Terms of Service, if you use common sense you’ll be fine
  • You may never harm or kill fellow FBI personnel
  • When in-game you will have to follow the established in-game rules, such as no RDM, FRP, etc
  • Grammar and proper punctuation is always required when on-duty, in-game or on Discord

The Federal Bureau of Investigation handles high-priority calls and wanted civilians. That means, we do not pull people over for going 62 in a 50. If there is a bank robbery, a 10-80, or a shooting, we respond.

The Federal Bureau of Investigation takes priority when responding to calls. The FBI is a federal agency, therefore we have authority over every other department. This is not to be abused.

Rank Structure

The Federal Bureau of Investigation has its own rank structure, separate from any other group in Sandy Shores. This part of the document will be outlining the different roles and responsibilities of the ranks within the FBI.

Director [DR]

Director is the commanding officer and is tasked with running the FBI, making sure all Agents follow the rules and are well trained.

Deputy Director [DD]

Deputy Director is the executive officer and is tasked with enforcing the will of the Director. The Deputy Director is the second in command of the FBI and as such, holds
considerable power and responsibility within the department.

Assistant Director [ADR/ASDR]
Assistant Director is a senior officer that is tasked with enforcing the will and providing aid to both the Director and Deputy Director. The Assistant Director is 4th in Command of the FBI.

Agent In Charge [AIC]

The role of Agent In Charge is 5th in charge. These are prestiges Agents who have been here for a long time.  

Assistant Agent in Charge [AAIC]

The role of Assistant Agent in Charge is 6th in command. These Agents help assist in anything the Agent in Charge + need.

Executive Supervisory Agent [ESVA]

The Role of the Executive Supervisory Agent is 7th in command. These help supervisor lower ranking Agents and help organize any upcoming events within the FBI.

Supervisory Agent [SVA]
Supervisory Agents have shown that they have what it takes to be an Agent, and have risen above all to prove themselves worthy of this rank. The role of a Supervisory Agent is to execute any orders given by the Director or Deputy Director, and to be of aid to any Agent, or lower rank if they need it. Supervisory Agents are the best of the best, and are masters in skills such as critical thinking, leadership, maturity, combat, decision making, thus proving themselves worthy of such a prestigious rank.

Executive Senior Agent [ESNRA]

Executive Senior agents mark the first people as supervisors for the federal bureau of investigation. These agents know the In’s and Out’s of the Department itself.

Senior Agent [SNRA]

Senior Agents are dedicated Agents who are advanced in multiple categories, such as intelligence, combat, and maturity, thus earning them the rank. Those who are Senior Agents have shown they have what it takes to rise through the ranks, and are of high value to this department.

Special Agent [SPA]

Special Agents are higher than the average Agent, they have shown that they have the potential to rise through the ranks, and have earned their place. As a Special Agent you take on new duties not previously held as an Agent, with these new duties must come responsibility.

Rank Structure (2)

Agent [AGT]

As an Agent you are at the bottom of the line, you hold more power than a Probationary Agent, but are at the bottom nonetheless. As an Agent you have shown you have what it takes to be in this department, but must still act with respect and dignity to the community you serve.

Probationary Agent [PA]

Probationary Agents are recruits of the FBI. They are new bloods that have not been through any trials or training. As a Probationary Agent, you are only allowed to patrol if you have your Z-V Section.


Sandy Shores Management

Director of FBI
